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Historical tradition


Leader of the Grazioli Group, the company's path began in Manerbio at the end of the 19th century and has continued over the decades until today, from father to son. In the beginning, it was Pasqua Grazioli who had the right intuition, opening a hardware store in the square in Manerbio in 1875. Almost everything has changed since then, but not the sense of an enterprise that continues, changes, evolves. Dega e Grazioli is all this: from simple hardware to a leader in integrated industrial distribution.

The decisive turning point took place at the end of the 1980s: a period in which Pietro Grazioli, current President, understood the importance of opening up to a new entrepreneurial mentality, which envisages a different approach in terms of foresight and planning, the need for move its market center of gravity towards Brescia.

The further leap in quality comes with integrated industrial supplies. Since the early 1990s, the economic results have become increasingly important and 2001 is the year of the merger with Dega Tools, another historic Brescia company engaged in the tooling sector. The opening of the first branch in Brescia dates back to 2003, then incorporated in 2011 into the current headquarters in via Cacciamali with a shed of 8,400 square meters.



Targeted solutions


Dega e Grazioli is able to respond promptly to every request in many sectors, with solutions from leading brands in the market for each application. In fact, there are 18 platforms in which numerous categories and sub-categories of products are positioned, capable of responding to most of the supply requests for the industry: a varied mix of products that can fully represent an unlimited catalog of technical solutions. / p>

Another strong point that distinguishes Dega and Grazioli in the panorama of industrial distribution is to have dedicated and specialized Product Managers and Key Accounts internally who, thanks to their qualified experience, offer consultancy, technical support and targeted solutions. to satisfy any need.

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