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Ethernet/IP I/F unit for EJ Counter

Code: 21HZA188
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Designed to collect data from Mitutoyo's compact EJ Counters, this interface connectsmeasurement peripherals to your IO controllers with ease!• Quick and easy setup, the Ethernet/IP interface directly connects to your EJ counters.• Compact, the interface was created with a low profile in mind, maintaining the ability tomount an entire system in small spaces on a single DIN rail.• Conforming to Ethernet/IP´s industrial standards, you can now use it as an input into yourpreexisting Ethernet/IP system.• Secure, Ethernet/IP systems are widely used as standard throughout many industries.
Products specifications
Temperatura / umidità d'esercizio: Da 0°C a 50°C (dal 20% all'80% di umidità relativa, senza condensa)
Temeratura/umidità di stoccaggio: Da -10°C a 60°C (dal 20% all'80% di umidità relativa, senza condensa)
Alimentazione: Tensione di ingresso: 10 - 27 V DC Consumo energetico massimo: visualizzatore EJ singolo: 3 W o inferiore Massimo consolidamento: 30 W o inferiore
Massa: 165 g
Baudrate: USB 2.0 Full Speed (12 Mbps)
Tipo connettore: Type C
I/f industriale: EtherNet/IP
Dato trasferito: Current value data (No unit, signed 32 bit data), Tolerance judgment result
Communication ports: RJ45 2 ports
Auto mid: YES (cross cable and straight cable)
Funzioni: Designed to collect data from Mitutoyo's compact EJ Counters, this interface connects measurement peripherals to your IO controllers with ease!

Quick and easy setup, the Ethernet/IP interface directly connects to your EJ counters.
Compact, the interface was created with a low profile in mind, maintaining the ability to
mount an entire system in small spaces on a single DIN rail.
Conforming to Ethernet/IP´s industrial standards, you can now use it as an input into your
preexisting Ethernet/IP system.
Secure, Ethernet/IP systems are widely used as standard throughout many industries.

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