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HDMI 4K camera, 4K HDMI, Flat enclosure C-mount camera

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€ 2.052,00

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Uncompromising 4K Microscope CameraUncompromising microscope camera with many advanced features, yet very user friendly. The H4KFWSD08DPX produces high-resolution images with vibrant natural colors suited also for critical applications like Pathology and likewise.With the H4KFWSD08DPX users can enjoy, comfortable, and user-friendly on-screen operation - improving sample evaluation, measurement, faciliating effective collaborations, and documentation in high resolution. For more advanced applications the user has the option to connect the camera to a PC via USB 3.0, GE or WiFi and use DeltaPix InSight in order to make further analysis. Moreover, this camera provides a completely new platform for educational applications because it can stream the video to android smartphones making it super easy to share images and videos with the students.USB 3.0, WiFi, HDMI, and GE interfaceLarge Sony back-illuminated Exmor sensorResolution 3840 x 2160 pixelsLive image speed of 60 fps in full resolution (HDMI)Built-in 4K video recordingBuilt-in advanced measurementSelectable language: English, German, French, ItalianFree downloadable Android AppDeltaPix InSight Basic
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Product code eShop Grazioli MIT63AAA516

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