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Durometro Rockwell HR-430MR

Codice: 810-193-21
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The HR-430MR is an economical Rockwell hardness testing machine to suit practically every application you need. The MR indicates the Rockwell testforce range. It offers you the following benefits:The frame was designed with great care to provide maximum clearance for positioning the work piece. All you need is a flat table for mounting these testing machines.Its outstanding robustness makes it perfect for even the roughest environments.The HR-430MR is very simple to operate. It uses automatic steering wheel braking and load sequencing for easy handling.You can attach the clamping device K543817 to for safe operation with hard to handle workpieces.This digital model can use our Digimatic Mini-processor (DP-1VR) for printing results, and you can use an input tool (USB-ITN-E) to connect to a PC for data transfer, analysis and storage.You can perform Brinell hardness tests, as indicated, by using the following optional accessories: a Brinell indenter and a measurement microscope.
Specifiche di prodotto
Codice eShop Grazioli MIT810.193.21
Campioni: JIS B 7726; ISO6508-2; ASTM E18
Precarico (n): 98,07
Carico di prova per durezze superficiale (n): -
Carico di prova rockwell (n): 588,4; 980,7; 1471
Modello: HR-430MR
Scala rockwell : HRA; HRD; HRC
Sfera scala rockwell 1,5875 mm: HRFW; HRBW; HRGW
Sfera scala rockwell 3,175 mm: HRHW; HREW; HRKW
Sfera scala rockwell 6,35 mm: HRLW; HRMW; HRPW
Sfera scala rockwell 12,7 mm: HRRW; HRSW; HRVW
Descrizione: The HR-430MR is an economical Rockwell hardness testing machine to suit practically every application you need. The MR indicates the Rockwell testforce range.It offers you the following benefits:The frame was designed with great care to provide maximum clearance for positioning the work piece. All you need is a flat table for mounting these testing machines.Its outstanding robustness makes it perfect for even the roughest environments.The HR-430MR is very simple to operate. It uses automatic steering wheel braking and load sequencing for easy handling.You can attach the clamping device K543817 to for safe operation with hard to handle workpieces.This digital model can use our Digimatic Mini-processor (DP-1VR) for printing results, and you can use an input tool (USB-ITN-E) to connect to a PC for data transfer, analysis and storage.You can perform Brinell hardness tests, as indicated, by using the following optional accessories:a Brinell indenter and a measurement microscope.
Risoluzione: Indicazione 0,1 HR
Selezione carico di prova: Selettore a manopola
Applicazione carico di prova: Automatico
Durata applicazione: 1-99 secondi o manuale
Uscita dati: Digimatic, RS-232C
Altezza: 180 (100 se è collegata la cover) mm
Profonditàdi misura: 165 (dal centro dell' asse del penetratore)
Funzioni: GO/NG, Hardness value offset, Hardness conversion, Data output, Calibration mode
Unità display: Matrix backlight LCD
Dimensioni unità principale: 214x512x780mm
Sfera solo per indentazioni brinell 1,0 mm: HBW 1/10; HBW 1/30 - nur Eindruck (nicht normgerecht durch Anwendung der Prüfvorkraft)
Sfera solo per indentazioni brinell 10,0 mm: HBW 10/100  - nur Eindruck (nicht normgerecht durch Anwendung der Prüfvorkraft)
Risoluzione unità hr: 0,1 HR
Capability prova jominy***: Richiede accessori addizionali
Capability dispositivo di bloccaggio k543817: Seriale
Adattamento incudine: Ø 19mm
Max. altezza campione : 180 mm
Gola profonda: 165 mm
Max. peso campione : 20 kg
Massa approssimativa unità principale: 49,3 kg
Peso lordo: 70.000 grammi
Accessori standard: 810-39 Flat anvil Ø64mm 810-40 V-anvil outside diameter Ø40mm groove width 30mm11AAB941 Water level383876 Vinyl cover357651 AC adaptorIndenters, reference materials and power cord not included
Peso netto: 49.300 grammi

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